Israel and the Palestinians: Peace or terror?

Behind the Headlines - Israel and the Palestinians: Peace or terror?

    PM Netanyahu: "The Palestinian murderers do not want to build a state - they want to destroy a state. They want to murder Jews simply because they are Jews. They do not murder for peace and they do not murder for human rights."
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    Thousands attend the funeral of Dafna Meir in Jerusalem (January 18, 2016) Thousands attend the funeral of Dafna Meir in Jerusalem (January 18, 2016) Copyright: Reuters
    While Israel remains committed to dialogue with the Palestinian leadership and calls for the renewal of direct peace talks without preconditions as soon as possible, the Palestinian leadership rejected all Israeli proposals for direct negotiations during the past seven years, as well as Secretary of State Kerry's initiative in March 2014.

    PM Netanyahu: "We have no preconditions for entering negotiations. We have foundations for a solution and we will be very firm and insistent on it. But there is no limitation on our side for entering negotiations." (20 October 2015)

    Since 13 September 2015, numerous terrorist attacks have been perpetrated against Israeli citizens across the country. As of 25 January, 30 people have been murdered and 290 people injured in stabbing, car ramming, and shooting attacks by Palestinians.

    These attacks have recently reached new heights of barbarity with deadly attacks on defenseless Israeli women: a 15-year-old Palestinian assailant murdered a mother of six in her home in the presence of three of her children; a day later, another 16-year old Palestinian stabbed and wounded a pregnant woman; a week later, two terrorists ages 17 and 23 stabbed a 23-year-old woman to death, and wounded another.

    PM Netanyahu: "The Palestinian murderers do not want to build a state - they want to destroy a state and they say this openly. They want to murder Jews simply because they are Jews and they say this openly. They do not murder for peace and they do not murder for human rights." (26 January 2016)

    The Palestinian Authority uses inflammatory rhetoric to spread malicious lies against Israel, stirring further tension instead of abating it. Israel calls on Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian leaders to stop encouraging violence. Palestinian youths deserve to receive an education that will lay the basis for a better future of peaceful coexistence and cooperation with their Israeli neighbors. The 15-year old who murdered the mother of six admitted that Palestinian television programs encouraging hatred and violence against Jews motivated him to carry out the attack.

    The failure of the Palestinian Authority to condemn the attacks and murders of innocent Israelis reflects its tacit support of terrorism. The Palestinian Authority systematically glorifies the murderers of Jews, presenting them as heroes in its official media and schools and providing their families with financial incentives. It thus promotes hatred and inflames young Palestinians to commit further terrorist attacks.

    Israel expects the international community to condemn the abuse of Palestinian children who, for years, have been indoctrinated in schools and on television to follow in the footsteps of arch-terrorists and to engage in indiscriminate violence against Jews. This poisoning of children's minds has been exacerbated by hate speech and calls for murder in the Palestinian social media, which are playing a critical role in the latest wave of terror.