Behind the Headlines: Israel’s Operation against Hizbullah-The Diplomatic Effort

Israel’s operation against Hezbollah: The diplomatic effort

    While some aspects of Israel's objectives in its operation against Hezbollah can be achieved through military operations, others can only be attained through diplomacy.

    The intolerable situation created in the six years since Israel’s total withdrawal from Lebanon, has made it necessary for Israel to take action to achieve two objectives vital to the defense of its population - the removal of the Hezbollah terrorist and missile threat, and the establishment of long-term stability along its northern border. While some aspects of these objectives can be achieved through military operations, others can only be attained through diplomacy.

    While the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has been tasked to destroy Hezbollah 's armaments and outposts, it is the responsibility of the political echelon to ensure that Hezbollah does not rearm in the future. Diplomacy must also ensure that, after the military operations cease, Iran will be prevented from sending more weapons and cadre to Hezbollah , and that Syria will no longer assist this passage of men and materiel through its airports and border crossings. If this diplomatic effort fails, Lebanon will revert back to the same situation that precipitated the current conflict.

    Israel's consultations with the foreign ministers of Europe and the United States this week should therefore be seen not only as a reaction to the military campaign but also as an opportunity to advance mutual goals of regional stability. These goals include not only the preservation of the military gains which weakened the Hezbollah, but also the achievement of workable security solutions over the long term.

    Agreement already exists between Israel and the international community on a number of key issues, as witnessed by the statement of the G-8 following their recent meeting in St. Petersburg. It is accepted that Hezbollah, in its unprovoked cross-border terrorism, bears the responsibility for the crisis at hand. It is also clearly recognized that the threat is a regional threat, involving an axis of terrorists and sponsor-states, including Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria and Iran. It is also agreed that the basic building blocks of a solution must include the unconditional release of Israel's abducted soldiers, the disarming of Hezbollah, the exercise of Lebanese government sovereignty throughout its territory and the deployment of the Lebanese army southward to the border, in full implementation of UNSC Resolution 1559.

    Israel will judge diplomatic initiatives meant to implement the aforementioned principles, in light of three criteria:

    • First, regarding southern Lebanon, Israel wishes to preserve the gains of the current military campaign, whereby Hezbollah has been removed from the border region.
    • Second, regarding the Hezbollah 's long-range missiles which are fired at Israeli civilians from beyond the border zone - unless Hezbollah disarms itself willingly, this threat must be clearly addressed.
    • Third, the Hezbollah must be prevented from re-arming. This will require close monitoring of the possible routes into Lebanon from Syria or elsewhere.

    With regard to the first criterion, there is general agreement that, based on past experience, a United Nations force would be unable to carry out the task. Instead, Israel would agree to consider stationing a battle-tested force composed of soldiers from European Union member states, which would control the crossings between Lebanon and Syria, deploy in southern Lebanon, assist the Lebanese Army, and oversee the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1559 and the disarming of Hezbollah.

    Ultimately, Israel hopes that the well-crafted implementation of this policy will result in the establishment of peaceful and friendly relations with Lebanon, whose people will be freed from being held hostage by Hezbollah, and whose government will have regained Lebanese sovereignty. The present situation thus affords a unique opportunity for the international community and Lebanon, as well as for Israel, to advance peace in the region.