Behind the Headlines: Israel arrests senior Hamas operatives

Behind the Headlines: Israel arrests senior Hamas operatives

    The government of Israel has decided that “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” - a terrorist organization remains a terrorist organization, even if its members stand for democratic elections.

    In a joint IDF/ISA operation last night (23-24 May), over 30 senior Hamas operatives in the West Bank were arrested, including the Palestinian Minister of Education, Dr. Nasser Eddin al-Sha'er, members of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the mayors of four towns. The arrests were carried out in Nablus, Kalkilya, Tul Karem, Beiteh and elsewhere. Israel carried out this counter-terrorist operation for the following reasons:

    • The Hamas is a terrorist organization which does not recognize Israel or its right to exist. It is a terror organization which does not content itself with mere declarations, but does all in its power to attack Israel and its citizens. Even after its victory in the Palestinian Authority elections, the organization continues to plan and execute attacks against Israelis - civilians and soldiers alike.

    • The organization has accepted responsibility for the massive Kassam rocket attacks against Israeli population centers during the last few days. These attacks on the city of Sderot and other settlements in the area caused loss of life and injury to Israeli citizens as well as heavy damage to buildings, infrastructure and other property.

    • The government of Israel has decided that “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” - that a terrorist organization remains a terrorist organization, even if its members stand for democratic elections, and that membership in such an organization is a violation of Israeli and international law.

    • The Hamas organization has created an extensive terrorist infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. It was established through the wholesale smuggling of weapons and armaments, the complacency of security authorities to terrorist activities, the collaboration of Hamas members who hold key government positions and the initiation of armed confrontations with PA forces loyal to Fatah leader, PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

    • The Hamas is now trying to export its terrorist infrastructure to the West Bank. The recent arrests carried out by Israel are part of a preventative security policy based on substantial intelligence which has accumulated regarding this Hamas intention.

    • The arrests are also intended to increase the counter-pressure on the Hamas, following its decision to escalate the conflict with its enemies - both within Gaza and in Israel. The arrests were carried out in conjunction with continued Israeli air strikes at Hamas targets in Gaza, which include rocket launching teams, rocket manufacturing facilities, weapons and ammunition storehouses and terrorist operatives and handlers.

    It must be clear to all Hamas operatives and to everyone concerned, that no title or position will provide immunity to any person planning, executing, aiding or abetting terrorist attacks against Israel or its citizens.