Ze'ev Boim

Ze'ev Boim

    Ze'ev Boim
      Ze'ev Boim

      Ze'ev Boim was born in 1943 in Jerusalem.

    Boim served as a company commander in the IDF Armored Corps. A teacher by profession, he earned a BA in history and Hebrew literature from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was principal of the Comprehensive High School in Kiryat Gat and served as an educational emissary to Mexico.

    His served in the past as Mayor of Kiryat Gat, as well as Chairman of the Municipal Environmental Quality Association, Ashkelon District; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Economic Company of Kiryat Gat; and Chairman of the Directorate of the Inter Regional Industrial Park of Kiryat Gat and the Lachish Region.

    A Knesset Member since 1996, he served in the 14th Knesset as Likud Party whip, head of the Negev Lobby, and head of the Knesset Delegation to the Annual Dialogue between Israel and the European Parliament. In the 15th Knesset he served as coalition and Likud faction chairman. He has served on the following committees: Education and Culture; Finance; Internal Affairs and Environment; Constitution, Law, and Justice; Foreign Affairs and Defense; House; Immigration Absorption; Foreign Workers.

    He served as Deputy Minister of Defense from March 2003 until January 2006, and as Minister of Housing and Construction and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Develoment from January-May 2006.

    Ze'ev Boim was appointed Minister of Immigrant Absorption from May 2006 until July 2007, when he was appointed Minister of Housing and Construction, serving until March 2009. He continued to serve as a Member of Knesset for the Kadima party and was a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. 

    Ze'ev Boim passed away in March 2011. He is survived by a wife and three children.