Abraham Hirchson, MK

Abraham Hirchson, MK

    Abraham Hirchson


    Abraham Hirchson was born in Israel in 1941. He completed his military service with the rank of Staff Sergeant and pursued academic studies.

    Hirchson served as Secretary General of Hanoar Haleumi Haoved Vehalomed (1970-1992), and as Chairman of the National Labor Union (from 1995) and the Leumit Health Fund (from 1996). He also served as President of the "March of the Living" Project and was the initiator and president of the ”Jewish Heroes Quiz”. He was a
    Member of the Board of the Special Swiss Committee for Needy Holocaust Survivors.

    First elected to the Knesset in June 1981, he has served continuously since the 13th Knesset (June 1992).

    Most recently in the 16th Knesset he served as Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and Chairman of the Finance Committee. He has also served, among others, as a member of the Knesset House Committee, Finance Committee, Economics Committee, Labor, Social Affairs and Health Committee, State Control Committee, and Education, Culture, and Sports Committee.

    Abraham Hirchson served as Minister of Tourism from January 2005 until May 2006, and as Minister of Communications from January 2006.

    In May 2006 he was appointed Minister of Finance. On April 22, 2007 Hirchson informed the Prime Minister that he was taking a temporary leave of absence as a result of the police investigations in his regard.

    He is widowed, and has three children.