
      Ten measures of beauty were bestowed upon the world;
    nine were taken by Jerusalem and one by the rest of the world.

    (Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kiddushin 49:2)

    Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is located in the heart of the country, nestled among the Judean Hills. The city's ancient stones, imbued with millennia of history, and its numerous historical sites, shrines and places of worship attest to its meaning for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Its modern architecture, well-tended parks, contemporary malls, outlying industrial zones, and ever-expanding suburbs proclaim its hopes for the future.

    Jerusalem's incandescent glow, golden in sunshine, silvery by moonlight, is rivaled in impact only by the kaleidoscope of its people - some the descendants of generations of Jerusalemites, others who have come from the four corners of the earth. Mingling with people wearing the spectrum of modern fashion are dark-suited ultra-Orthodox Jews, Arab women in brightly embroidered shifts and Christian clergy in somber robes.

    Jerusalem - praised by the Prophets, enshrined in literature and liturgy, and sung by poets, near and far, down through the generations.

    Jerusalem in Pictures

    Jerusalem - The Capital of Israel
    The Spirit of Jerusalem
    Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
    Jerusalem in Old Maps and Views
    Israel's Archaeological Treasures: Jerusalem - The Eternal City
    Archeological Sites in Israel - Cumulative index
    Virtual Jerusalem Tour