Israel Reacts to Terrorist Attacks on the US-11-Sep-2001

Israel Reacts to Terrorist Attacks on the US-11-Sep-2001

      Israel Reacts to Terrorist Attacks on the US
    11 September 2001

    PM Sharon   Pres Katsav   FM Peres   DM Ben-Eliezer   Newsflashes

    Among those killed in the September 11 terror attacks in the United States were five Israelis:
  • Alona Avraham
  • Leon Lebor
  • Shay Levinhar
  • Daniel Lewin
  • Haggai Sheffi

  • PM Sharon's Statement following Attacks against the US (Delivered at a press conference, Jerusalem, 12 September, 00:15 AM)

    ©Magen David Adom 
    Emergency blood drive at the MDA Blood Services Center - Sept 11

    ©Magen David Adom 
    MDA ambulances fly American flag



    Solidarity demonstration with the American people in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square - Sept 15

    On behalf of the people of Israel, I wish to send our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to the American people, President Bush and the entire United States government, following the terrorist attacks against the United States and against our common values.

    The fight against terror is an international struggle of the free world against the forces of darkness who seek to destroy our liberty and our way of life. I believe that together, we can defeat these forces of evil. In this most difficult hour, all Israelis stand as one with the American people. Our hearts are with you and we are ready to provide any assistance at any time.

    The Government of Israel has declared a day of mourning tomorrow (12 Sept.), as we bow our heads and share in the sorrow of the American people.

    PM Sharon extends condolences
    (Communciated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Ariel Sharon spoke with US Ambassador to Israel Dan Kurtzer immediately after hearing of the terrorist attacks in the United States.

    The Prime Minister expressed grief and condolences at the terrible tragedy, and said that the State of Israel is prepared to assist in any way possible.

  • PM Sharon Addresses the Knesset's Special Solidarity Session - Sept 16, 2001
  • PM Sharon addresses solidarity rally: Three months since terror attacks in US - Dec 11, 2001

    President Katsav expresses shock over attacks in US; sends condolences to US President Bush
    (Communicated by the President's Spokeswoman)

    President Moshe Katsav expresses his deep shock over the disastrous and brutal terrorist attacks, perpetrated by heartless and bloodthirsty individuals, which struck the United States today (Tuesday), September 11, 2001.

    President Katsav has conveyed the deep sorrow of the citizens of the State of Israel to US President George W. Bush regarding today's events.

    "All of us in Israel embrace you, would like to express our condolences, and add our best wishes for a speedy recovery to those who have been injured. Everything must be done to defeat this phenomenon in which insane people will stop at nothing to disrupt daily life."

  • President Katsav: The world needs to be rebuilt from scratch - Sept 12, 2001

    Message from FM Peres on terrorist attacks on US
    (Communicated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson)

    Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Peres wishes to extend, on behalf of the government and people of Israel, deepest condolences to the American people and leaders. The Foreign Minister expressed his rage and anger at the abominable acts of terrorism.

    FM Shimon Peres offered the United States government, on behalf of the State of Israel, Israel's aid and rescue assistance.

    Israel is following the developments with deep concern and prays for the well-being of the American people. Israel grieves at this tragedy of unimaginable proportions.

  • FM Peres Suggests International Task Force for Combatting Terrorism - Sept 12, 2001
  • Radio Interview with FM Peres on the Voice of Israel - Sept 12, 2001
  • Excerpts of interviews with FM Peres - Sept 11, 2001
  • Interview with FM Peres on CNN - Sept 11, 2001

    DM Ben-Eliezer approves dispatch of IDF rescue units to US; expresses shock over today's events
    (Communicated by the Defense Minister's Media Adviser)

    Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer expresses both his deep shock and the State of Israel's sincerest condolences to the US government and the American people - Israel's closest allies and friends - over the disasters which struck them today (Tuesday), September 11, 2001.

    Defense Minister Ben-Eliezer believes that extremist Islamic terrorism is the main threat facing the nations of the free world today since its goal is to destroy everything connected to the values shared by democratic governments and western societies.

    Defense Minister Ben-Eliezer has approved the dispatch of IDF rescue units to the US.

    Defense Minister Ben-Eliezer is holding consultations with the security establishment in order to analyze the terrorist attacks in the US with the goal of being able to respond to possible scenarios.

  • DM Ben-Eliezer offers any aid that may be required to US Defense Secretary Rumsfeld - Sept 12, 2001

    Additional Newsflashes:

    - 13 Sept - Downtown Jerusalem's main thoroughfare, Jaffa Road, will be renamed "New York Street" in identification with the victims of terrorism in the United States for one month.

    - 13 Sept - As a symbol of solidarity with its colleagues in the United States, the Union of Workers at Magem David Adom Israel has decided to fly the American flag on all MDA rescue vehicles for a week. In addition, there will be stickers glued to the back windows of all ambulances to express deep-felt condolences and the solidarity of all of Israel's population in general, and of the MDA crews in particular.

    - 11 Sept 23:30 - A nationwide emergency blood drive has begun in Israel. Israel Radio has called for O-type blood donors to come to Magen David Adom centers which are being opened especially at midnight for the operation.

    - 11 Sept 23:00 - Israel's Cabinet has declared 12 September to be a national day of mourning, in solidarity with the victims of the terrorist attacks in the United States.

    Statement by Former PM Benjamin Netanyahu at the Hearing of the US House Government Reform Committee: Preparing for the war on terrorism - Sept 20, 2001
    Chief Rabbi Bakshi-Doron calls to end to suicide bombings - Sept 12, 2001