The Ethiopian community in Israel

The Ethiopian community in Israel

    At the end of 2010, the Ethiopian community in Israel numbered 119,700 people. 

    Facts in brief:  

    • At the end of 2010, the Ethiopian community in Israel numbered 119,700 people.
    • Two-thirds of them, about 78,900, were born in Ethiopia and one-third, 40,800, were native Israelis ("sabras") whose parents were born in Ethiopia.
    • The community, which numbered about 105,500 at the end of 2005, has been growing at an average rate of 2.6% a year.      
    • Most (91%) married Ethiopians are married to other Ethiopians. The median age for first marriages among Ethiopian men was 29 and among Ethiopian women 26.
    • The total fertility rate of Ethiopian women was 2.55 in 2010, compared to 2.97 in the general Jewish population.
    • 85% of Ethiopian 12th-graders take the matriculation exams.
    • In the 2009-2010 academic year, 2,201 Ethiopian students studied at institutions of higher education. Women constituted 64.5% of the Ethiopian students studying for a bachelor's degree, and 48.7% of the master's students.
    • Individual sports: Ethiopian athletes constitute 12% of all athletes engaged in athletics in Israel.