Letter from Israel: Science and Technology

Letter from Israel: Science and Technology


    The desire to transform a mostly barren land into a modern state was a key factor in Israel's scientific inquiry and technological development. At first, research focused on projects of national importance. Today, the percentage of Israelis engaged in scientific and technological inquiry, and the amount spent on research and development (R&D) in relation to its GDP, are among the highest in the world. Bi-national research foundations play a crucial role in a wide variety of activities, ranging from basic research to industrial development and marketing.

    As the many highly trained scientists, engineers, and technicians among the hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the former Soviet Union gradually entered the labor force, the percentage of qualified personnel rose dramatically. They will significantly affect Israel's scientific and technological achievements for decades to come.

    R&D in Israel is carried out primarily at seven universities, dozens of government and public research institutes, and hundreds of civilian and military enterprises. Significant research is also performed at medical centers and by a number of public service firms, in fields such as telecommunications, power production, and water resources management.

    Voice Over Internet Protocol


    Israel's large reservoir of qualified personnel is primarily responsible for its scientific and technological attainments, with over 80 percent of all publishable research conducted within Israel's universities. The large number of patents taken out by the universities is indicative of their relationship with industry, and the establishment of science-based industrial parks adjacent to university campuses has met with great commercial success. Universities have also set up 'spin-off' industrial firms for the commercialization of specific products based on their research, often in partnership with local and foreign concerns.

    Israel 2000



    Biotechnology, biomedical and clinical research account for over half of all scientific publications. Local scientists have developed methods for producing a human growth hormone, interferon (a group of proteins effective against viral infections), and Copaxone, a medicine effective in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Genetic engineering, including cloning, has resulted in a wide range of diagnostic kits based on monoclonal antibodies, along with other microbiological products.

    Sophisticated medical equipment for both diagnostic and treatment purposes has been developed and marketed worldwide, such as computer tomography (CT) scanners, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, ultrasound scanners, nuclear medical cameras, surgical lasers, and a miniature camera encased in a swallowable capsule used to diagnose gastrointestinal disease.

    Medical Engineering - Israel Industry Centenary



    Israel's industrial R&D, with a high concentration on electronics, is mainly carried out in a small number of large firms. These R&D-intensive companies have been a major source of industrial employment and exports over the years.

    In communications, R&D-based applications include the digitalizing, processing, transmitting and enhancing of images, speech and data. Products range from advanced telephone exchanges to voice messaging systems and telephone line doublers. Israel is also a world leader in fiber optics, electro-optic inspection systems for printed circuit boards and thermal imaging night-vision systems.

    Computer-based equipment, mostly in software and peripheral fields, has been developed and produced. While some of Israel's software products are designed for use on mainframe computers, most have been developed for small or medium-sized systems such as computer workstations. A computer mouse with three touchpads, allowing the visually impaired to "read" text and graphics on screen, was recently developed. In addition, Israel produces robots designed to perform a wide variety of tasks, including diamond polishing, welding, packing and building. Research is now underway in the application of artificial intelligence to robots.

    Instant Messaging Software

    In the field of aeronautics, locally designed and manufactured satellites have been produced and launched by Israel Aircraft Industries in cooperation with the Israel Space Agency. In addition, Israel develops, manufactures and exports a large number of related items, including display systems, aeronautical computers, instrumentation systems and flight simulators, and is a world leader in drone technology and production. Israel's first astronaut, Col. Ilan Ramon, was tragically killed along with his six NASA colleagues when the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon re-entry into the earth's atmosphere.

    The First Israeli Astronaut 2001



    Making optimal use of scarce water, harsh land and a limited labor force has led to revolutions in agricultural methods. Agricultural R&D is carried out primarily by the Ministry of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Organization, with research results quickly transmitted through an extension service system to the field for trial, and problems brought directly to the scientists for solutions.

    Israel's dairy cows are world champions in milk production, with scientific breeding and genetic testing raising the average yield per cow to over 10,000 liters per year. Agriculturists have also pioneered agricultural biotechnology, and advances have been applied to marketable products, ranging from genetically engineered seeds and biopesticides to lightdegradable plastics and computerized irrigation/fertilization systems.

    The search for water-saving techniques spurred development of computer-controlled irrigation systems, including the drip method, which directs water flow straight to the root zone of plants. As the result of intensive research, the huge underground reservoir of brackish water under the Negev is now being exploited to produce crops such as prime-quality tomatoes and melons for European and American winter markets. Israelidesigned and manufactured computers are widely used to coordinate daily farming activities such as guiding fertilizer injection while monitoring relevant environmental factors; supplying feed for livestock mixed according to tested leastcost/ best-yield proportions; and providing a temperature and humidity controlled environment for poultry.

    Agricultural Mechanisation - Technological Achievements of Israel