The War of Attrition

The War of Attrition (1968-1970)

    Shortly after the end of the Six Day War, Egypt, under President Gamal Abd Al-Nasser, began shelling Israeli positions by the Suez Canal. By 8 March 1969 President Nasser proclaimed the official launch of what he called "The War of Attrition". His aim was to wear down Israel's resolve to maintain its positions, and compel it to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula, or at least from the Suez Canal.
    The sporadic fighting incidents turned into a full-scale static war along the Canal, characterized by exchange of heavy artillery fire, commando raids and aerial bombardment and fighting. A cease fire was reached through American mediation only on 8 August 1970, but it brought no change in the Israeli and Egyptian deployment on the ground.

    The War of Attrition
    Click to enlarge

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    This map is for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered authoritative.