Terror Attacks on the Southern Border

Terror Attacks on the Southern Border (2011-2013)

    As Egyptian control over the Sinai Peninsula grew weaker, especially since the Egyptian "Arab Spring" revolution of 25 January 2011 that toppled President Husni Mubarak, terrorist activities in the Sinai increased significantly, in particular those of Global Jihad/Al-Qaeda groups. The terrorists are supported by local Bedouins and by terror organizations in the Gaza Strip. All of these have also been engaged in the continuous smuggling of weapons, drugs and other contraband, as well as human trafficking, through the Sinai into Israel and the Gaza Strip.
    Many times since the 2011 Egyptian uprising, terrorists have attacked the gas pipelines in the Sinai that supply natural gas from Egypt to Israel and Jordan. Terrorists have also continued cross-border attacks on Israeli civilians and soldiers.

    Terror Attacks on the Southern Border
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    This map is for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered authoritative.