Range of Fire from Lebanon

Range of Fire from Lebanon

    Since the 1970s many towns and villages in northern Israel have faced rocket attacks from Lebanon perpetrated by the PLO and the Hizbullah. Following Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000, terrorist organizations within Lebanon, mainly the pro-Iranian Hizbullah organization that carried out terror attacks after the evacuation of the PLO from Lebanon in 1982, have been upgrading their rocket and missile capabilities significantly through with Iranian and Syrian assistance and arms supplies.
    Since the Second Lebanon War in July 2006, Hizbuallah’s military capabilities have been strengthened even more. In 2012 the organization possessed an estimated 40-50 thousand rockets and missiles, 3.5 times what it possessed in 2006. All of these rockets and missiles are pointed at Israel and most of Israel is within their range.

    Range of Fire from Lebanon
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    © IDF Mapping Unit
    This map is for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered authoritative.