Jews in the Land of Israel 73-636 CE

Jews in the Land of Israel (73-636 CE)

    The Jewish people has had a continuous presence in the Land of Israel for nearly four thousand years. When the Romans occupied the land of Israel in 63 BCE the population of the land was approximately three million people (out of an estimated world population of 250-300 million), most of them Jewish. By 135 CE, after the quelling of the Bar Kokhba revolt by the Romans, there were only about 700,000 Jews left in the country.
    Despite Roman and Byzantine oppression of the remaining Jews in the land, spiritual and cultural life continued to develop in the Jewish communities there. Other towns, such as Yavne and, later on towns in the Galilee such as Tzipori and Tiberias, replaced Jerusalem as the center of Jewish spiritual life. The central text of Jewish law, the Talmud, was completed during this period.
    Jews in the Land of Israel (73-636 CE)
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