incitement a la haine

L'incitation à la haine contre Israël

  •   L'incitation et la culture de la haine contre Israël : le principal obstacle à la Paix
    En dépit de la relance du processus de paix entre Israël et l'Autorité Palestinienne, le 30 juillet 2013, l'incitation contre Israël et contre le Peuple juif se poursuit sur les chaînes des média palestiniens, dans les réseaux éducatifs et religieux, et elle est souvent le fait d'organismes très proches du Président de l'Autorité Palestinienne, Mahmoud Abbas.

    En dépit de la relance du processus de paix entre Israël et l'Autorité Palestinienne, le 30 juillet 2013, l'incitation contre Israël et contre le Peuple juif se poursuit sur les chaînes des média palestiniens, dans les réseaux éducatifs et religieux, et elle est souvent le fait d'organismes très proches du Président de l'Autorité Palestinienne, Mahmoud Abbas.

    Ces derniers mois l'incitation à la haine est en nette recrudescence.

    Les messages essentiels qui sont relayés et auxquels les Palestiniens sont en permanence exposés:

    -      Israël n'a pas le droit d'exister, certainement pas comme l 'Etat du Peuple juif.

    -      La disparition d'Israël est inévitable et elle se produira dans un avenir proche.

    -  Les Juifs sont des sous-hommes et ils doivent être traités en tant que tels. L'utilisation des symboles nazis, comme des drapeaux et des images d'Hitler sont en augmentation.

    -   Toutes les formes de lutte, y compris le terrorisme, sont légitimes afin de réaliser l'objectif final.

    Les responsables israéliens ont multiplié ces derniers jours les mises en garde face à ce phénomène inquiétant, en répétant qu'une paix véritable ne pourra exister sans que soit mis fin à l'incitation et à la culture de la haine contre Israël.

    Vous trouverez ci-dessous 2 annexes en anglais :

    Annexe 1: Attaques virulentes d'Jibril Rajoub, Haut Responsable du Fatah

    Annexe 2: un aperçu des attentats terroristes palestiniens  commis depuis la relance des négociations de paix

    Appendix 1

    Jibril Rajoub Viciously Attacks Israel

    To mark the founding of Fatah, Jibril Rajoub, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, viciously attacked Israel in a number of interviews. On December 31, 2013, he was a guest of official Palestinian TV's open studio. He said he hoped that the 50th year of the Fatah movement would be the year in which Palestinian sovereignty would be instituted over the state of Palestine and the [Israeli] occupation would be uprooted. The occupation, he said, was a "cancer" threatening to destabilize the entire region. As for the negotiations with Israel, he claimed that it was clear that there was not even a glimmer of hope that peace could be had with "the Fascist ugly model of Nazism" (Official Palestinian TV, January 2, 2014).

    Interviewed on another occasion, Jibril Rajoub called for the escalation of the so-called popular resistance. Asked about the news item in the Israeli daily paper Yedioth Aharonot stating that Hamas was planning to abduct Israeli soldiers, he said "Let them abduct [soldiers]... I think the Israelis need to understand that abduction is a clear example, it is the language they understand. We encouraged [Hamas] and when they abducted [Gilad] Shalit we blessed and praised them, and when the Shalit prisoner exchange deal succeeded, despite the fact that we had our doubts, we still blessed and praised them."


    Appendix 2:

    Main Terrorist Attacks since July 30, 2013

     ·         An off-duty IDF soldier was lured to the West Bank by a Palestinian co-worker and murdered (September 21st).

    ·         A young soldier was shot dead (September 22nd) in Hebron, near the Cave of the Patriarchs.

    ·         On October 10th, a 61-year-old Israeli civilian was murdered, and his spouse injured, when they were attacked by two Palestinians wielding an ax and iron bars in what is suspected to be a terrorist attack.

    ·         A Palestinian man rammed a tractor through the gate of an army base north of Jerusalem on October 17th before he was stopped. [In 2008, Palestinians carried out a series of terror attacks in Jerusalem involving tractors. Three Israelis were killed and nearly 60 people injured.]

    ·         On October 20th, a Palestinian man brandished a knife attempted to stab Jewish passengers on a bus travelling northwest of Bethlehem.

    ·         A soldier sleeping on a bus in Afula in northern Israel was stabbed to death on November 13th.

    ·         A two-year-old girl sustained moderate injuries caused by stone-throwers, while traveling in a car on November 28th near the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of Jerusalem.

    ·         A disaster was averted on December 22nd when a pressure cooker bomb was discovered moments before exploding on a bus in Bat Yam, near Tel Aviv. One of the terrorists subsequently arrested admitted that his cell was prepared to execute another major terror attack in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa area in the following days.

    ·         Two other attacks occurred within a 24 hour period of the bus bombing. Also on the 22nd, the Border Police thwarted a knife-wielding terrorist attack near Ma’aleh Adumim in the West Bank. The next day, in a separate attack in the West Bank outside of Jerusalem, a police officer was stabbed in the back with a 15-centimeter knife by a Palestinian man.

    ·         A Jewish man was stabbed in the neck in Jerusalem on January 11, 2014 by an Arab youth.