Bericht consulaat april 2021

Bericht van het Consulaat - Covid-19 Update

  •   Juli 2021



    Als onderdeel van de maatregelen die de regering neemt om de bevolking te beschermen en de verspreiding van het coronavirus en de aankomst van gevaarlijke varianten in Israël in te perken en te voorkomen, mogen buitenlandse burgers enkel Israël binnentreden nadat ze een inreisvergunning hebben gekregen, in overeenstemming met de criteria die zijn vastgesteld door de stuurgroep voor de binnenkomst van buitenlanders in Israël.

    Om de antwoorden van de Israëlische buitenlandse missies - die tienduizenden aanvragen voor inreisvergunningen voor buitenlanders behandelen - te stroomlijnen en te versnellen, heeft de Afdeling Consulaire Zaken een nieuwe digitale dienst gelanceerd waarmee elke buitenlandse burger die naar Israël wil reizen, een elektronische aanvraag kan invullen.

    Het nieuwe digitale formulier zal de behandeling van de dossieren sneller en efficiënter maken en de wachttijden verkorten.


    Het aankomstbeleid in de Staat Israël tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie

    Buitenlanders die naar de Staat Israël willen reizen, moeten het online formulier "Aanvraag voor een inreisvergunning voorIsraël tijdens de COVID-19-pandemie voor passagiers die reizen met eenbuitenlands paspoort​" invullen.

    Het formulier is alleen voor persoonlijk gebruik. Er kunnen geen begeleiders aan de aanvraag worden toegevoegd en voor elke begeleider moet een aparte aanvraag worden ingediend.

    Houd er rekening mee dat u in het aanvraagformulier de referentienummers kunt aangeven van aanvragen die betrekking hebben op deze aanvraag.

    Zorg ervoor dat u bij het invullen van een formulier de referenties en ondersteunende documenten bijvoegt/uploadt, waaronder:

    1. Leesbare fotokopie van het paspoort van de aanvrager.

    2. Vaccinatiecertificaat of doktersattest voor herstel van COVID-19 of beide (afhankelijk van de omstandigheden).

    3. Aanvullende documenten die relevant zijn voor de redenen van het aankomstverzoek, zoals vermeld in de aanvraag.

    Bij het invullen van het online aanvraagformulier moet het land worden geselecteerd waarin de aanvrager zich momenteel bevindt, en dienovereenkomstig de locatie van de Israëlische ambassade of het consulaat waarnaar de aanvraag zal worden verzonden voor behandeling en verwerking.

    Het is belangrijk om te benadrukken dat een nieuwe aanvraag niet binnen twee weken na uw laatste indiening kan worden ingediend.

    Klik hier om een ​​verzoek tot aankomst in de staat Israël in te dienen.

  • List of required supporting documents to be submitted with the request:

    List of required supporting documents to be submitted with the request:

    Attachement number 1 : Document 1.pdfDocument 1.pdf

    Attachement number 3 : רישום נולד (23).pdfרישום נולד (23).pdf

    A passenger who is a son or a daughter of a parent(s) who is/are an Israeli citizen(s)

    A.     Copy of the parents passports.

    B.     Copy of the passenger - minor or the adult's passport.

    C.    The passenger’s birth certificate.

    D.    A declaration for the obligation of the parents to register the minor or the adult in the Israeli population registry within 60 days from the day of your return from the trip to Israel, See attachment No 2 and 3.

    E.     Passenger declaration to comply with all instructions of the Israeli authorities, as will be given, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, See attachment No 1.

    F.     Proof of health insurance for the passenger, valid in Israel, throughout the visit period with clear indication of coverage for COVID-19.

    G.    If the passenger is a minor traveling with one of his/her Israeli parent, approval declaration of the other parent must be submitted. Attention - The declaration must be authenticated by a notary or by the Israeli Consul and a copy of the parent's ID must be attached.

     A foreigner who has a first degree Israeli family member (Israeli citizen or a permanent resident of Israel) that is currently in Israel

    An application may be submitted for the foreigner, their spouse and their children to visit Israel- CHILDREN MUST BE VACCINATED OR RECOVERED FROM COVID-19! PROOF MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE APPLICATION. All passengers must be fully vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19.

    A.     Copy of a passport or Teudat Zehut/Toshav (Israeli ID) of the first-degree relative, residing in Israel.

    B.     Copy of the passenger’s passport.

    C.    Proof of first degree relation of the foreigner and the relative residing in Israel and proof of first degree relation of the the foreigner and their spouse and children (Official documents such as birth certificate, marriage, etc.).

    D.    Passenger declaration to comply with all instructions of the Israeli authorities, as will be given, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, See attachment No 1.

    E.     Proof of health insurance for the passenger, valid in Israel, throughout the visit period with clear indication of coverage for COVID-19.

    F.     Passenger certificate of vaccination or recovered from COVID-19.


    Attending a wedding of Israeli citizens or permanent residents or foreigners who reside in Israel

    The parents of the bride/groom may arrive to state of Israel subject to their obligation to comply with all rules of the Israeli Ministry of Health including the obligation for isolation/quarantine upon arrival in Israel. Furthermore, grandparents may attend the wedding, if they are vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19.

    A.     Copy of passport or Teudat Zehut/Toshav (Israeli ID) of the first-degree relative residing in Israel.

    B.     Proof of first degree relation of the foreigner and the relative residing in Israel and proof of first degree relation of the foreigner and their spouse and children (Official documents such as birth certificate, marriage, etc.).

    C.    Passenger declaration to comply with all instructions of the Israeli authorities, as will be given, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, See attachment No 1.

    D.    Proof of health insurance for the passenger, valid in Israel, throughout the visit period with clear indication of coverage for COVID-19.

    E.     Passenger certificate of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19.

    F.     Copy of the registration of the request for marriage submitted to the bureaus in the religious councils or wedding registration from another alternative office + joint affidavit of the marrying couple signed before a notary.

    Foreign grandparents who are requesting to visit Israel on the occasion of the birth of their grandchild (providing that the grandchild's family is residing in Israel)

    Permitted only for grandparents who are vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19. The request will be approved ranging from a month prior birth to a month post birth.

    A.    Copy of the grandparents passports.

    B.    Copy of the parents' passports.

    C.    Passenger declaration to comply with all instructions of the Israeli authorities, as will be given, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, See attachment No 1.

    D.    Proof of birth or supporting medical documents for an expected birth.

    E.    Proof of family connection between grandparents and parents in Israel.

    F.    Passenger certificate of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19.

    G.   Proof of health insurance for the passenger, valid in Israel, throughout the visit period with clear indication of coverage for COVID-19.

    A foreign passenger married to an Israeli citizen or to a permanent resident of Israel

    May apply for the above reason only if the Israeli citizen/resident is currently in Israel or travels with the foreign spouse.

    A.    Copy of the passport of the Israeli spouse / permanent residency card

    B.    Copy of the passenger’s passport

    C.    Certificate of marriage - if married. If not married - a proof of mutual life

    D.    Passenger declaration to comply with all instructions of the Israeli authorities, as will be given, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, See attachment No 1

    E.    Proof of health insurance for the passenger, valid in Israel, throughout the visit period with clear indication of coverage for COVID-19.


    A foreign parent of a minor Israeli child

    May apply for the above reason only if the Israeli child is currently in Israel.

    A.    Copy of the passport of the foreign parent.

    B.    Copy of the Israeli passport of the child.

    C.    The child's birth certificate.

    D.    Passenger declaration to comply with all instructions of the Israeli authorities, as will be given, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, See attachment No 1.

    E.    Proof of health insurance for the passenger, valid in Israel, throughout the visit period with clear indication of coverage for COVID-19.

    F.    Custody agreement for the minor.

    Attend a Funeral in Israel

    Permitted for first degree family without spouse and for 24 hours only.

    A.    Copy of passenger’s passport

    B.    Copy of deceased’s passport or ID card

    C.    Passenger declaration to comply with all instructions of the Israeli authorities, as will be given, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, See attachment No 1

    D.    Proof of family connection to the deceased (birth certificate, marriage certificate or another equivalent document)

    E.    Certificate of death and/or official document approving burial in Israel

    F.    Proof of health insurance for the passenger, valid in Israel, throughout the visit period with clear indication of coverage for COVID-19.



    Entry of a lone soldier or a Sherut Leumi volunteer or a visit of their first degree relatives

    May apply for a permit for first degree or for the soldier themselves

    A.    Copy of the IDF service card and/or approval of a lone soldier signed by the authorities or approval of Sherut Leumi organization for the volunteer.

    B.    Copy of passports of the applicants.

    C.    Passenger declaration to comply with all instructions of the Israeli authorities, as will be given, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, See attachment No 1.

    D.    Proof of health insurance for the passenger, valid in Israel, throughout the visit period with clear indication of coverage for COVID-19.


    Students and Yeshiva Students

    May apply for an entry permit through the Academic institution/Yeshiva or through the consulate. Passenger must have a valid Student Visa to Israel, otherwise, must apply for visa and permit letter with an appointment at the consulate.

    A.    Copy of passenger’s passport.

    B.    Copy of parents’ passport (for minors).

    C.    Passenger declaration to comply with all instructions of the Israeli authorities, as will be given, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, See attachment No 1.

    D.    Proof of health insurance for the passenger, valid in Israel, throughout the visit period with clear indication of coverage for COVID-19.

    E.    Approval from the academic institution/Yeshiva or a valid Visa.

    F.    Approval from the Ministry of Health stating that the institution is approved to go back to physical classes (obtained from the institution).

    G.   Proof of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19.



