Disabled Persons Side-Event

Accessible Environments for Disabled Persons

    Persons with Disabilities' Role in Developing
    Accessible Environments
    The Sixth Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    Wednesday, 17 July 2013
    1:15 – 2:30 PM
    United Nations, Conference Room E (NLB)
    CART service will be provided
    Accessibility is a cornerstone of equality and inclusion. Persons with Disabilities and their organizations are working around the world to create accessible environments.
    The panel will discuss different ways in which Persons with Disabilities advance accessibility processes globally, through activism and litigation, community work and consultation in legislation processes. It will address the challenges they face and exchange best practices in the creation of accessible environments.
    The panel will also include the screening of a short film about a campaign to implement accessibility regulations in Israeli communities.

    Moderator: Karina Chupina, President, International Federation of Hard of Hearing Young People

    Yannis Vardakastanis, Chair, International Disability Alliance
    Ahiya Kamara, Israeli Commissioner for equal rights for persons with disabilities
    Emanuele Sapienza, Policy Specialist and Social Inclusion Coordinator, UNDP and Coordinator, Technical Secretariat, UNPRPD
    Klaus Lachwitz, President, Inclusion International
    Zvi Shorer, Accessible Mobility Medium for Petra