Israel’s new Ambassador to the EU - NATO - Meet Aharon Leshno-Yaar

Meet Israel's new Ambassador

  •   Israel’s new Ambassador to the EU & NATO: Meet Aharon Leshno-Yaar
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    Ambassador Aharon Leshno-Yaar Ambassador Aharon Leshno-Yaar
    A brief conversation with our new Ambassador Aharon Leshno-Yaar
    Why did you want to become the Ambassador of Israel to the EU?
    Israel and the European Union have a very special relationship – based on a shared history and shared values. Almost every inch in Europe carries a bit of Jewish history as well. Many Israelis also have family ties in Europe or their roots are here and in a way they are also Europeans. We eat the same food, play the same sports, sing the same songs,... We share the coast of the Mediterranean and Israel has a very similar climate to several EU Member States. But our bond goes beyond the obvious and Israeli-European cooperation covers a wide range of fields such as science, culture and sports.
    Being Ambassador to the EU is a challenging post in a geographically and politically meaningful location for Israel. At the same time it is an important post for me personally as my parents immigrated to Israel in the late 40s from a European Christian and a European Muslim country. So I have my roots here as well.
    How do you see Israel-EU relations and what are your priorities?
    I want to advance Israel-EU understanding and cooperation. Relations are good and cover an impressive number of fields and the exchange of officials and mutual visits are crucial. I strongly believe in the importance of expert level exchanges and increased dialogue on our common challenges.
    Israel is becoming ever more aware of European priorities and challenges and I would like to increase the European awareness of Israel’s priorities and challenges. The answer to the latter lies in improved dialogue and cooperation based on our shared values and interests.
    What did you do before your appointment as Ambassador of Israel to the EU and NATO?
    I have been a career diplomat for 35 years; I served in Washington D.C., Canberra and Singapore and dealt with Israel-UN relations for 12 years – being Ambassador to the UN in Geneva for four years. I am an Arabist by education and was involved in different negotiation platforms and frameworks between Israel and its neighbours.
    I came here with my wife; we have three children, two daughters and one son.
    What do you personally like about the EU?
    I admire the European project and how Europe succeeded in leaving behind the enmities of the past and to achieve prosperity and peace. I hope we will achieve the same and look forward to living in peace in Israel as well. I think we can learn from Europe in this regard.
    However, the Middle East faces very different challenges. Israel is committed to advance its dialogue with all neighbours and the cooperation on regional challenges – whatever effort it takes.
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