The Governor's Business Summit kicked off on April 27 with a reception hosted by Governor & Mrs. Bryant and Ambassador & Mrs. Talyah Aviran, with honored guests Ambassador & Mrs. Rhoda Dermer. Hundreds of guests from across the Mississippi business and political communities gathered at the Fairview Inn in Jackson to hear remarks from the Governor, Ambassador, and Consul General, as well as great music from local artist Lisa Palmer.
On Tuesday, April 28, the Governor's Business Summit program began with a breakfast briefing from the MDA and the Consulate. Throughout the day, companies and individuals had the opportunity to take part in organized business to business meetings, as well as smaller breakout sessions.
Members of the community were invited to the luncheon component of the summit, which featured remarks from Israel Aerospace Industries North America CEO General Robert Foglesong, Ambassador Opher Aviran, and Governor Phil Bryant. Ambassador Ron Dermer served as the keynote speaker.
The Governor's Business Summit concluded with additional individual meetings for companies and organizations to further discuss collaborative opportunities.

Governor Phil Bryant presents Ambassador Opher Aviran with a resolution proclaiming him an honorary citizen of Missisippi during the Governor's Business Summit reception (Photo Courtesy: Larry Brooks/SJLMag)

Governor Phil Bryant addresses attendees at the summit luncheon (Photo Courtesy: Larry Brooks/SJLMag)

Mississippi and Israeli companies take part in the business to business meetings at the Governor's Business Summit