Israel comments on WHO General Program of Work

Israel comments on WHO's General Program of Work

    ​Israel believes that in the future further emphasis should be placed on WHO reform, particularly regarding accountability mechanisms, transparency and practical priority-setting.
    World Health Organization
    EB 142 – January 2018
    General Program of Work
    Delivered by Mr. Dan Zafrir,
    Advisor, Specialized Agencies – Permanent Mission of Israel
    Thank you Chair,
    We would like to thank the Director-General, Dr. Singer and the Secretariat for the revised draft of the 13th General Program of Work for the years 2019-2023. We note with great appreciation the time and effort spent since the Director-General’s election in drafting the document in a consultative and comprehensive process. We likewise note the considerable changes the document has undergone since the beginning of the drafting process, thereby reflecting the attention given to comments made by Member States.
    Israel views this document in a positive light. Understanding that the GPW is a strategic document which represents vision rather than concrete action, we are pleased with the priorities it sets. In particular, we are happy to see the emphasis placed on strengthening country capacity, cooperation between countries and the importance of evidence-based norms and policy guidance.
    We note with satisfaction the alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals, the spirit of leaving no one behind, and the prominence given to the health emergencies program. Polio eradication and transition, the life cycle approach and climate change are further positive highlights.
    Israel believes that in the future further emphasis should be placed on WHO reform, particularly regarding accountability mechanisms, transparency and practical priority-setting. We also look forward to further discussions on budget and resource mobilization, critical for the implementation of the vision set forth in the GPW. The use of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of public health in the 21st century could also receive more attention.
    Another point for consideration is the Expert Reference Group. This group deals with a major component of the GPW 13 – the triple billion goal. An interim report, made available on January 15th, supports these goals but suggests that substantial improvements should be made in measuring their progress. We hope that the final report’s conclusions, to be published next month, will be reflected in the GPW before its final approval at the WHA, and presented to Member States in the same consultative manner we’ve seen so far.
    Notwithstanding these issues, Israel would like to reiterate its support for the Director-General’s vision as laid out in the GPW, and looks forward to continuing a constructive and productive engagement with the WHO and Member States to fulfill the ambitious goals it sets.
    Thank you.